Small Business


Small steps today. Big success tomorrow.

In order to achieve any goal and dream we must take small steps each day, because those are the ones that will lead us to success. In a previous post, I wrote about the importance of taking the first step. The first step is decisive, and every step we make afterwards will lead us to the place where we want to be. We can make all our dreams and desire a reality, one step at a time.


Starting Your Business

The key to achieving our goals lies in the small steps we make each day. The amounts of steps we will have to take in order to achieve our goal will depend in the magnitude of our goal. The problem is that sometimes our dreams and goals are so big that is easy to get overwhelmed with all the things we have to do in order to achieve them, and it is in that moment when we give up.


Increasing Profitability

Therefore, the most important thing we can do after we have decided to take the first step toward our goal is to divide that goal in small steps. Let’s imagine as an example that your goal for the next 2 months is to get a job. Therefore, in order to achieve that goal, you will have to follow a few different steps: Write your resume, send it to different companies, prepare yourself for interviews, and so on. Some of them will be easier than others, and sometimes you will have to repeat one of the steps one more time because it didn’t go well the first try, but if you don’t give up sooner or later you will achieve your goal.


Protecting Your Assets

Well, we can say that every goal works in the same way as that example. We will have more goals, smaller and harder than the one in the example, but they will all be possible. Therefore, the best we can do in order to achieve our goals is to divide that goal in small steps, or in more achievable goals. Those small goals will seem more possible to achieve, what will give us the .php that we can make it, and once we do that, we will be one step closer from our biggest goal.